4 integrated supports for your clients :
3. corporate communications
is an international life sciences letter & marketing service delivered to + 250 000 key industrial, investors & professionals (C-, VP- & director-level and board members, including +81 000 dealmakers & +35 000 in investment banking, +6000 wealth managers & institutional investors & BA in EU, +3500 tech journalists) with a unique concept :
one letter=one player=one deal.
4. corporate intelligence
is a +20Go healthcare market intelligence database (updated weekly from well known intelligence providers & leading investment banks) include + 21 000 market studies = company coverage + full disease overview + 3108 drug pipelines analysis + product forecast + epidemiology +6000 drug monography, 120 690 deals detailled (IPO, M&A, financing, partnering) + treatment trees + KOL insights, trends & outlook .